Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A New Crib for the Cowboys

If anyone watched the opening game of the Cowboys Stadium, I’m sure you saw the lovely introduction piece to Jerry Jones’s money pit. The segment highlighted the Egyptian Pyramids, Taj Mahal, Roman Coliseum, the Parthenon, and other fascinating historical structures… ending with the unveiling of the new stadium. If you ask me, how grotesquely over the top!

The Egyptian Pyramids date back to before Christ—structures built to honor gods and leaders. The Taj Mahal, an Indian masterpiece honoring the life of an emperor’s wife, dates back to the 1600s. You get the idea… A football stadium honoring the pocket book of Jerry Jones and crazed, delusional Cowboys fans shouldn’t even be muttered in the same sentence as these fascinating, historical relics.

This $1.3 billion dollar monstrosity is completely despicable. Yes, it incorporates incredible opportunities of viewing the players through glass walkways. Yes, it has a 600-ton video board lingering above the field. Yes, it can fit over 100,000, but is this really necessary? Last time I checked, despite all the new technology, structures, and amenities- the Cowboys still lost the game.

Most Americans are struggling right now to pay bills, feed their families, and cover everyday living expenses. Does Jerry Jones really believe these average Americans will blow $159 for a single ticket, $75 for parking, and who knows how much on mediocre stadium snacks to help Jerry Jones pay for the outlandish architecture, video screens, and other outrageous features? I don’t think so.

Sports are about having passion for your team, and wanting them to score the touchdown, kick the field goal, and win the game. You want to love your team, love what they represent, love how they carry themselves and symbolize your community. You don’t just love them for their fat wallets. Sure, the stadium may have ignited attention and awe, but that’s not what the game is all about. Money can buy you pretty, shiny “things” but in the end they’re all worthless if you don’t have the human interest, excitement, class, and winning spirit of the players and fans behind the glitz and glamour.


  1. One of your best yet!

  2. Yes, although I would love to see the Cowboys win rather than a fancy stadium, I have thought lately about the opposite view on the cost to attend a game at this staduim. Since I do think what they charge is ridiculous, I choose not to attend the games. I am happy watching it on TV at home. However, what blows my mind more than the ticket prices is that people are actually willing to pay it. Despite the economic times, the stadium fills up for football games, concerts, and other events. If I'm the Dallas Cowboys, I'm going to keep the prices high until people decide not to pay them... I mean, why not? When people quit coming, the prices will drop, but until then, expect to see record high prices at cowboys stadium. ;)

  3. OK; I'm a cowboy hater. America's team? I don't think so. I can't believe $1.3 BILLION spent on a football stadium; ridiculous! Oh, maybe that's what they mean by America's team!

